Let someone ELSE store and ship the products FOR you
One option for getting online and making profits FAST, is to sell products using a drop shipper. Here's how it works...
You choose a drop shipper who carries the kinds of products you want to sell on your site. Then, when you make a sale, you charge your customer, and send their shipping information to the drop shipper.
The drop shipper sends the product to your customer, then bills YOU for the order, at LESS than what you charged your customer. Your profit is the difference between what you charge the customer, and what the drop shipper charges you.
Drop shipping is one of the quickest and easiest ways I know to start selling online, because, with no stock to buy or store, there's very little advanced setup required.
And there are other GOOD reasons to consider drop shipping:
* Affordability -- There's no product to develop, so no costs involved there, and because there's no stock to buy, there are also NO storage costs.
* Flexibility -- You can sell products you otherwise wouldn't be able to stock yourself.
* Better customer service -- Your buyers are still your customers, and you remain their point of contact.
Really, the only time-consuming part of setting up a drop shipping business is actually finding a good drop shipper where you can get the kind of products you're looking for, at a price you can profit from.
Here are some resources I recommend to get you started:
Worldwide Brands
There are also many companies online that provide extensive listings of drop shippers, like Aid and The Thomas Register.
Earn a commission for recommending other people's products
Recommending other people's products as an affiliate is another great way to get started online quickly and easily.
As an affiliate, you promote another company's product or service on your website (or to your opt-in list using email marketing), and for every paying customer you refer to the company's site to purchase, you get paid a percentage of the profits in commission!
And the BEST part is that once you've done the research to find a solid market, it only takes SECONDS to set up an affiliate relationship, and start earning BIG commissions!
Other reasons to consider starting an affiliate site?
* It runs itself -- Once you've completed the setup, you can automate the entire process, so you can earn commissions day and night, year round!
* You can earn MULTIPLE commissions -- Because there's no customer service or payment processing required, you can get away with spending very little time working on the site, so you can easily set up MANY affiliate sites to MULTIPY your earnings.
As with drop shipping, you have to do your research and find a good program (or programs) relevant to your business.
There are a number of web-based resources for locating affiliate programs. The best include:
Of course the more traffic you send, the more money you make, so you do need to put some work into creating a site that gets lots of visitors.
Join the world's LARGEST online marketplace, where $2,000 worth of merchandise is sold every SECOND!
If you REALLY want it FAST and EASY, there's no better way I know of to start making money online (potentially thousands of dollars each month), than to start your own eBay business!
Over $60 BILLION (yes, I said billion!) changes hands on eBay every YEAR, so you've got a built-in market just waiting to buy what you're selling! This is actually my FAVORITE way to start making money online as quickly as possible, because, unlike drop shipping and affiliate programs...
... you don't even need a website to start making BIG profits!
There are other reasons to consider eBay if you're looking to start making money right away:
* No startup money required -- You can easily create an account with eBay, get your first listing up, and start making serious profits, for just a few cents
* No business experience necessary -- You don't need to know ANYTHING about running a business to get started on eBay, so it's perfect for people who are just beginning to work for themselves
* You don't need to be computer savvy -- If you know how to check your email, you have all the computer skills you NEED to start making profits on eBay!
Like I said, ANYONE can start making money quickly and easily on eBay...
... but to make really BIG money, it helps if you understand the more advanced strategies (the ones that very few other "eBayers" actually even know about).
I've been working with my in-house team of elite eBay mentors to develop a three-step system that anyone can follow to start making potentially THOUSANDS of dollars a month on eBay...